Social Justice

“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.”

(Matthew 25:35-36)

Holy Spirit has long understood that Jesus calls us to care for others. Remembering Matthew’s words, Holy Spirit reaches out to the greater community through service, education, and advocacy. Focusing on homelessness/poverty in our city, international development, and the environment we encourage one another to make a difference in the lives of others.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity provides affordable housing to low income families. On occasion our congregational members have had the opportunity to participate with building projects.

Harvest of Hope

Harvest of Hope encompasses the parish pantry, the community garden, support for E4C’s school lunch program, food donations, and the Edmonton Food Bank.

Food Depot

HSLC is a Food Depot for the Edmonton Food Bank. We provide the space and volunteers to welcome and help clients as they come to pick up their assigned food hampers.  Hamper pick up takes place on Tuesdays from 4 - 5:30 pm. Donations of food are always welcome as well as extra garden produce that you may have from your garden. Donations can be dropped off during office hours. Volunteers are also welcome - contact the office to find out more.

Community Garden

Our Community Garden builds community within our congregation, as well as outreach opportunities to the greater community, as everyone can participate by growing and sharing local food. We have a few designated boxes that grow and share their crop fort he clients of the Edmonton Food Bank.

Inner City Pastoral Ministry (ICPM)

ICPM provides support, church services and Sunday lunches at the Bissell Centre. HSLC annually provides food and volunteers to help serve.

Mustard Seed Church

Mustard Seed Church provides meals to people in the Inner city. HSLC annually sponsors a meal by providing funding and volunteers to help prepare and serve.

Giving Tree

Gifts of warm clothing, socks, boots, and hygiene items are collected and donated to agencies who provide services to people in the inner city at Christmas.

Fresh Greens and Fresh Ideas

The Fresh Greens and Fresh Ideas event educated participants about healthy local food production and our environment. Delicious and nutritious meals were enjoyed from our community garden.

Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR)

CLWR operates with many volunteers and has small overhead costs to help support people in need internationally.

Gifts from the Heart

The Gifts from the Heart program is promoted during the Christmas season which allows members to purchase gifts that help those in need in other countries through CLWR.