Questions are a natural and a welcome part of the faith journey. Asking questions fosters growth and understanding. Whether you are completely new to Christian faith, new to Holy Spirit Lutheran or even if you have been on the journey for some time - your questions are welcome!
If it's helpful, our pastors are able to meet with you over a cup of coffee, Zoom or on the phone. We certainly don't have all the answers, but we're glad to hear where you're at, pray with and encourage you! Give us a call or use the form in the bottom right corner of this page to get in touch.
Care to try us out?
Join us for a Sunday Service at 10am! Alternatively, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church (HSLC) live streams and records all our services on YouTube (search: Holy Spirit Lutheran Edmonton). This allows you to try the Church out on your own time, from any place and ask questions from the comfort of your home. All are welcome in this space, and all means all, we truly mean that.
When is live Service?
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church (HSLC) has service weekly on Sundays at 10am for approximately 1 hour. However if you’re feeling sick or cannott make it on a certain day you can still join us on YouTube at your convenience.
What happens during service?
As service starts at 10am you may show up early to talk, look around and find a seat since there is no assigned seating. Everything you need for service is projected on the screen on the front wall. During service there is a time for Reflection, Song, Prayer, Scripture, and Holy Communion (every other Sunday).
How are children welcome?
At Holy Spirit Lutheran Church (HSLC) we welcome children's voices, energy and gifts as they explore our space. Childrenmay wander around the Narthex (opening before the pews) under a watchful eye or play with toys in the library.
Near the start of every service is Children’s Time whereby Children come to the front of the Church for a brief message. After this message Children are welcome to return to the pew or join Sunday School (Sept-June).
How do I dress?
Comfortably. There is no formal “dress code” at HSLC. You will experience people wearing what they prefer to wear, from more formal to casual.
Is there coffee before / after?
Sometimes playfully called the third sacrament in Lutheran circles, you are welcome to stay for a time of fellowship after worship over a cup of coffee and to sign our guest book. A sense of belonging and safe community are important in our gatherings.
Where do I park?
There are three places to park: behind the Church (Sometimes very full), on the street out front/beside or across the street in the parking lot for the school.
Can I attend online?
Our services are live-streamed on Youtube(search: Holy Spirit Lutheran Edmonton). Even though you may not be here in person, we encourage you to participate in worship from home or when away.