Congregational Survey

To help the Call Committee in completing our Mission Profile, the first of many steps in calling a rostered minister, we ask for your help in ranking the Ministry Priorities and Skills in section 1 of this survey. Who knew that there are so many tasks to complete and skills needed? In section 2 we have some demographic questions and to conclude we invite your comments. This survey is open to members of Holy Spirit Lutheran Church in Edmonton, AB and those who worship with us, including those who do not live in the region and worship online. This survey is also open to children and youths who may want to complete it with their family. Paper copies of the survey are available in the narthex and there will be an upcoming opportunity to provide verbal feedback. Stay tuned for more information. Please direct any comments or questions for the chall committee to the church office. Lori will kindly forward the information to the committee chair Kailyn Tumack. Thank you for helping us find the right minister for our congregation!